Forward Flip/Dolphin Flip
Today's lesson is going to be the forward flip or the dolphin flip as you may call it. Well this trick is called the forward flip or the dolphin flip because of how the board moves like a dolphin. For this particular trick you are going to have to slide your foot all the way to the tip of the nose on your board because that will give it the rotation you need for it. This trick is going to look like some what of a varial kick-flip because its going the same direction and it has a longer process for it to form. Well what you want to do is to place your back foot on the heel of the pocket and your front foot like a regular kick-flip. Your are going to want to pop your back foot as hard as you can and flip the your front out to the tip of the nose till it gets to the point were you see your board flip like a dolphin. That is basically what you need to learn for the dolphin or forward flip. Skate & Destroy.
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