Friday, May 23, 2014

Blog #12 How to Forward Flip/Dolphin Flip

Forward Flip/Dolphin Flip
Today's lesson is going to be the forward flip or the dolphin flip as you may call it. Well this trick is called the forward flip or the dolphin flip because of how the board moves like a dolphin. For this particular trick you are going to have to slide your foot all the way to the tip of the nose on your board because that will give it the rotation you need for it. This trick is going to look like some what of a varial kick-flip because its going the same direction and it has a longer process for it to form. Well what you want to do is to place your back foot on the heel of the pocket and your front foot like a regular kick-flip. Your are going to want to pop your back foot as hard as you can and flip the your front out to the tip of the nose till it gets to the point were you see your board flip like a dolphin. That is basically what you need to learn for the dolphin or forward flip. Skate & Destroy.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blog #11 How to Backside 360 Spin

Backside 360 Spin
Time to step up the game and show you guys a little more than a backside 180. The trick I'm going to show you today is the backside 360 spin and this is a somewhat hard trick because you are going to need a lot of pop. This trick is going to require a full body rotation and a hell of a pop. Now I would assume you saw the trick tip for a backside 180, but if you want to start off right away with the the 360 then be my guest. I would rather than you to practice the 180 first because all steps are similar to the the 360. The difference is that you will have to spin your body faster and pop higher and i would have your backfoot on the pocket where you would do a pressure flip because that will give you the that extra kick to it. All rules apply to this trick and i would suggest you look up the video on this trick but look up the dude Louie Lopez. This has been a good day and keep shredding.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blog #10 How to Fronstide Flip

Frontside Flip 
Today's lesson is going to be the fronstside flip. Now the frontside flip is a very common trick and it looks amazing doing it off a stair set or a huge gap. Lets get started with this tutorial. First step of doing the frontside flip is getting your frontside 180's down because if you don't have those then you can't give the proper turn for the frontside flip. The frontside flip is a combination of a kickflip and frontside 180. The other step to the frontside flip is the the kickflip which i assume you have those on lock. This is what basically how the frontside flip works. If you are planning to look on the tutorial video I would prefer you see Andrew Reynolds because he has the best frontside flips out of all. This has been a trick tip on the frontside flip and see you all next week. Keep Skating.